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6 Signs that You Chose a Dangerous Day Care Center

R. Mark Maritote Sept. 27, 2018

Picking a day care center is about more than just choosing somewhere that is convenient or close to your home. You need to find a center that you can trust, where you know your child will be safe. After all, children can and do get injured at day care centers all over Illinois every year. You do not want your child to be one of those statistics.

So, what should you watch out for? Here are six warning signs to keep in mind:

  1. The day care facility does not have basic rules in place. They appear far too relaxed, and you wonder if the staff will actually be in charge.

  2. The center has received negative reviews and has an average reputation. Make sure that you fully investigate more than just a few reviews before making your decision.

  3. The center does not have enough staff members. Injuries happen when children are not supervised properly, so even a well-meaning group of workers can’t prevent all injuries if there aren’t enough of them.

  4. The staff does not get paid enough. These people are caring for your children. Do you want them to get minimum wage for that type of responsibility?

  5. The license has expired. Even if you do not see any other warning signs, this has to make you wonder if the owner will break any other rules or cut any other corners.

  6. The day care center is dirty and worn down. You fear that it is simply not safe because no one seems to take good care of it.

If your child suffers an injury, even in what you thought was a safe location, you need to know what legal options you have to seek compensation.